So this is how I start my mornings lately, (Thank GOD it’s 8am now instead of the 5:30-6:00am like he was doing) :
Saturday, October 8, 2011
My baby is FOURTEEN weeks old!
So this is how I start my mornings lately, (Thank GOD it’s 8am now instead of the 5:30-6:00am like he was doing) :
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Stop…Belly time!
So Eli was doing a little belly time this morning and making momma so proud! He’s getting so strong and he was just as cute as can be. Lately he’s been “talking” up a storm! I think it drives him cuh-raaazy not being able to say what he wants to say yet. Here are some pics of him doing some belly time. I have to guide his hands forward, otherwise he just planks :)
Here he is, hammin’ it up for the camera. I could just eat that face!
Now you got your Eli fix, hope you all have an awesome day!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Swim lessons!!!
Unfortunately we had to start in the middle of the term because Eli had to turn 3 months first. There were 2 other women and their kidlets (one of them I know from work! What a small world.) and the instructor is AWESOME with the kiddos. At this stage it’s just about getting them acclimated to the water and working with their baby reflexes. Eli did awesome! He didn’t fuss ONCE even when I poured water over his face. We took it easy this first week, but next week he’ll be dunked under water so we’ll see how he does then :) You have to purchase an approved swim diaper, no disposables allowed. I got a blue camo pair for Eli. He was super cute in them. I didn’t have a helper today so I just took a pic with my phone in his car seat right before getting into the water. I can’t wait for Aaron, my mom, and Steph to come to one of these lessons and see what it’s all about and to take some better pics. But for now, this one will have to do:
Sunday, October 2, 2011
My baby is THREE months old today!
We thought it would be funny to leave the top part of his shirt unbuttoned but I got a vision of him being 18 years old and I didn’t like it! The second pic is better because he looks like my baby boy (Auntie Stephie said “do you miss grandma?? Grandma is gonna be home soon and I’m sure she miiiiisses YOU!”—and that’s how we got the smile in this second pic :) True story. We’ve been very sad around here because Grandma did a road trip with her sisters to Florida for a wedding this past week, and we’ve had no Eli/grandma time :(
Size: He weighed in at a whopping 14lbs today and was 24 1/2in long!
Likes: Well he hasn’t napped on his belly in a really long time so I think that no longer makes the list. He has however, made a new friend, Gerry. We got Gerry the Giraffe, a hangy toy from one of Aaron’s Minnesota buddies in the mail after Eli was born and he’s just now realizing his hands have a purpose and is enjoying swatting and grabbing at him. (Speaking of hands, he seems to think those things taste scrumdiddliumpscious because he is constantly shoving BOTH fists into his mouth, so add that to the list). He’s still loving the car seat (thank GOD!), and stroller rides. He loves listening to people talk to him and he’s a great listener.
Dislikes: Being ignored. If you’re in his presence, you better be interacting with him or he’ll let you know that your behavior is unacceptable. Mommy’s dislikes include Eli’s growth spurts, for 2 reasons: 1) He’s fussy and his schedule gets all jacked up, and 2) he Grows! :*(
Feeding: I’m happy to report that he takes a bottle (of breast milk) no problem since I’ve had to return to work. What a nightmare that would be if he wouldn’t! He still eats every 2-3hrs during the day and can go long stretches during the night now that he’s sleeping great. He still only takes 3 1/2 oz though when I Do give him the bottle. Very odd to me. I figured he’d take more by now. One of my friends said her son took EIGHT ounces by this age! Yowza! I tried to give him 4-5oz one night before bed but he kept pushing the nipple out of his mouth at the 3 1/2 oz mark. Maybe he’s never needed more because he eats every 2hrs..? Either way, I don’t worry about it because clearly he’s growing juuuuusttt fiiiiinnne.
Sleeping: So I get the question “is he sleeping through the night??” almost daily and I find it tough to answer. Yes he sleeps 8-10 hours straight but no, not THROUGH the night. He goes down at 7pm routinely now and he’ll wake up anywhere from 2-4am to eat, then go back to bed for a few more hours. Last night he didn’t get up until 5am for his first middle-of-the-night feeding and then slept until 8:15! Woo hoo! I was so thankful because I had worked the night before and didn’t get into bed until after 1am so I was beat :(
Milestones: He can now support his head pretty well independently and loves when you hold him up to balance on his feet or pull on his hands to a sitting position. Still waiting on him to roll over. He comes awfully close a lot, but no cigar.
So there you have it! He’s growing so fast!
Night night!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Ready for the Bears game…
Yesterday we went over to Auntie Stephie’s and Uncle Pibe’s house to watch the Bears/Packers game. Well Eli saw a little of it in between being passed around among the ladies. He was such a good sport despite not taking his long mid morning nap like he usually does. I was nervous that he’d be fussy because of it but he was such a good boy! That’s because he just LOVES undivided attention. He did manage to fall asleep in my Friend Sara’s arms with his leg draped over her cute preggo belly. I about melted (I think she did too)
Hard to tell but she has a reeeeally cute baby belly that Eli found quite comfy
I put him in an orange top with blue pants, his matching blue and orange kicks and a knitted bears hat I got as a shower gift from my friend Leslie, so he was all set.
How cute is that hat?! Thanks Leslie!!
What?! The Bears lost??
Hope you all had a nice Sunday funday :)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
My baby is TWELVE weeks old!!
Yesterday Grandma Marilyn was over to visit/play with Eli and she bent down to sniff his butt to see if he needed a diaper change and he decided then was the perfect time to let out a loud toot (Eli doesn’t DO silent) right in her face! She said she nearly crapped her own pants. ha ha ha ha. Love that kid, although I doubt it would be as funny if it was my own nose insulted by an infamous Eli toot :) Ok, it still would be :D I never found flatulence to be a very funny topic like most people do until It was my own infant son doing it unknowingly, then its hilarious!—Like when I hear him stretching on the monitor and then a toot follows. Never fails to get me and daddy belly laughing.
In case you were wondering, we’re all doing very well with the new sleeping arrangements. I can’t wait until he can sleep with blankets and pillows, it only seems right. I wonder how babies tolerate sleeping all night, flat on their back with no cuddling of blankets and no less than 10 pillows like their mommies??? But he does it so I won’t complain.
I want to send a shout out to my uH-MAZ-ing momma who has been so hands on with Eli and making THIS momma’s job a thousand times easier than it should be. Its because of her that I’m not a sleep deprived zombie, that motherhood has been such a painless transition for me, and that Eli doesn’t have to be in day care. I truly wish all new mommas were guaranteed a helper like her. I LOVE you tons mom! Muuuuuuah! You take being an “awesome Grandma” to a new level. Sorry to all the other grammies out there, the bar has been set.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Mommy survived!
Well all day yesterday I was psyching myself up to putting Eli in his own room in his crib to sleep for the night. I’m happy to report that after rigging the video monitor, hanging all cock-eyed, just so, on the corner of his crib with scotch tape (so I could see the hair in his nostrils of course) I let my baby boy sleep alone alllll the way down my football field-sized hallway! I’m so proud of myself :) AND I lived to tell about it. He did just fine as I knew he would. It was so nice not having to tip toe around the room when getting ready for bed so we wouldn’t wake him. Now, would I be ready for this step withOUT my video monitor—Nope :/
My widdle peanut in his giNORmous looking crib:
Please disregard his messy closet :/
Proud Momma,