Jennee KolthofF!!!! She took a guess on facebook, So the clue I gave was that it wasn’t underwear, “although you’d wonder”. See what I mean:
Oh my word, I laughed so hard when I was done and held it up. I thought “these look like a giant pair of skivies!”
Ok, so it’s real purpose as Jennee guessed, is a shopping cart cover. When I think of my little sweet pea lunging forward to suck on the cart handle, I throw up a little in my mouth.
Ta da!
Here he is checking out his new surroundings. This was another first for him as well. Now that he’s sitting up with minimal support, I just left him this way for the quick run into the store instead of carrying him in his carseat like I usually do.
Ok so the details: It does NOT have batting in between the layers like a lot of these things do. For me, it was all about tot-ability (did I just make up a word??). If this thing was big and bulky, no WAY would I lug it around with me…baby lunging forward to suck on handle…k, so maaaybe I’d drag it round with me but I wouldn’t be happy about it. Then I would expect some sort of bag to tuck the thing in and now I’m carrying 23,45o things for my bouncing baby boy just to go to the grocery store. See the pocket in front above ^ and now the the teaser pic I showed you the other day:
---All one piece.The whole thing, with a lot
Can you see how Gerry is connected to the toy strap thingy? Gerry has velcro, but in case a specific toy doesn’t, I added a snap to the strap
The small slit for the safety strap.
Aaaand my carry-all pocket. I put my coupon holder and keys in there.
My lovely photo assistant, Grandpa Don, Came out to help me with the photos. **Funny story, I ask him to come over to help me “with a project” and I inform him I need to go to walmart for a shopping cart. Without batting an eye he says “oh, so I’ll need to take my truck (instead of my car with the carseat already strapped in it, like we usually take). Translation: he assumed I was going to steal a cart to bring home!! Ha ha ha. I was like “Don! 1) You think I would steal a cart???! and 2.) You were okay with that?!?!” Ha ha. When I say this man would do literally anything for Steph and I, or his grandson, I mean it. Too funny. But I digress, lets move on. Here I’ll show you how simple it is to get it in its pocket:
step 1:
lay it out in front of you on the cart, shove fold sides inward and start rolling it up towards the pocket
Step 2:
Now tuck into pocket (a little sweet talking helps, I don’t condone swearing around little ones)
Step 3:
Snap her up…
Step 5:
Thanks for being patient with me.