Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Best Buds…

Today Eli and I got out of the house and visited with our buddies Jac and Parker for a little bit before heading to work to say goodbye to one of my co-workers who is retiring. Eli isn’t too much fun yet but they sure are soooo cute together. I got to witness Parker crawl for the first time today! He’s getting to be such a big boy. Have I mentioned how much I just love these boys??
best buds That double chin Eli is sportin’ I’m certain is from yesterday’s feeding marathon…Anywho, such handsome little fellas eh?
In an attempt to be less zombie-like by mid afternoon each day, my wonderful mom has offered to come over each morning at 6:30 to take him and love on him so momma can get a few more hours of shut eye. We started this morning and it was nice giving him his early morning feeding and then handing him over to grandma and not worrying about him for a few hours since he hasn’t been wanting to go back to sleep after this feeding. But it doesn’t help when Auntie Stephie calls TWICE during this time to sleep :/ Tsk, tsk. My mom is going to come back tomorrow morning so I’m excited, plus she just loves her alone time with her favorite grandson :)
Ok, again I know I’m biased but seriously, do these pics EVER get old?? This totally makes my heart melt…a puddle, people.
my widdle peanut 005 my widdle peanut 003<Snugglin’ with his blankie, aka burp rag

                        Snugglin’ with Daddy>
Hope all is well with you guys!
p.s I love all your comments and advice but the “anonymous” ones drive me batty, leave your name so I know who to thank in my head, pleaseandthankyou :)


  1. Who is retiring from work? Anything new with anybody? I'm so out of the loop not working there anymore!

  2. Kimberly HoskinsonJuly 28, 2011 at 2:50 PM

    Love the one of him with blanket!Soooo cute!!


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