Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Craft day with Auntie Stephie…

Today Eli and I went over to Auntie Stephie’s house for a craft day. A friend of ours just had a baby boy and so we wanted to make her a gift. We decided on doing a carseat tent/canopy/cover—whatever you wanna call it because I absolutely LOVE mine. I love how it keeps the sun off of him and out of his eyes, keeps him dry in the rain and keeps strangers at bay. Come wintertime, it’ll keep the cold drafts out. What more could you ask for? :) It definitely beats throwing a blanket over the carseat and having it fall off every 2 seconds. The other day I went into my doc appointment when it was sunny and came out to a downpour and was so thankful that even though I was drenched, Eli stayed dry due to his carseat cover. Anyway, enough about its greatness, here are some pictures of the finished product.
car seat tent 021
car seat tent 020
The inside view with Eli thrilled to be participating
car seat tent 022 
My favorite part! We added a vinyl window for quick peeks without having to expose baby to the elements by lifting the whole thing.
**Now, here I was sure I was brilliant because I was thinking how perfect mine would be if it had a little window instead of me picking up the whole cover to take a peek. So one day I’m brainstorming ways on HOW to sew the vinyl in there and it came to me, so we tried it and it worked perfectly! I have never seen anything like this before (the window I mean, not the cover. I’ve seen a ton of different versions of these). So out of curiosity I searched etsy.com for different versions of these tonight, CONVINCED I would not see a window placed on any of them (because I’m the brilliant one, remember?) and low and behold I found the exact same idea on one sellers cover. My bubble burst :/ I couldn’t believe it. Well great minds think alike right? Craziness.
car seat tent 023Can you see my hysterical child in there? Poor kid. I assure you, no children were harmed in the making of this cover.
Anyways, I hope she likes it.
Thanks Auntie Stephie for entertaining us all day, (even though the little stinker refused to nap and therefore made craft time a little more difficult.) We had fun :)

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