Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Play date…

Yesterday we decided last minute to go visit our friends Jac and Parker since Auntie Stephie had the day off and we were all free. Of course the boys were on opposite schedules for eating and napping, Doh! Parker can’t wait for the time he and Eli can actually play together. Right now they do a lot of staring at each other and the extent of their interaction included Parker attempting to eat Eli’s shoe.
the boys 019 “Um Eli, can we play now?”
the boys 021 “cool shoe buddy”
the boys 022 Our 1,939,322,333 attempt to get a “good” picture of the 5 of us. The boys weren’t having it
the boys 023

One would cry and it would send the other into a fit of hysterics…
the boys 024

“"Lets try that again”…and again…and again…

Oh well, maybe when they’re older.
Steph showed up to my house wearing just about the same exact outfit as me! You can’t tell in the above pics because she has Jac’s hoodie on but we had the same Old navy top and dark denim on. Ha ha too funny.
the boys 013
            the boys 014
Steph on the left, me on the right.

Thanks for the play date guys!

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