Friday, August 5, 2011

Play dates, oh how I love thee…

Yesterday Eli and I visited with Parker and Jac, always a good time. I thought we were doomed to be homebound with no visitors because it seemed everybody and their mother had plans or were working (boo to working , lol) But she came to our rescue! Woo hoo! Thanks Jac. That Parker, I tell ya, I could just eat him up! Both mommy and daddy had him full out belly laughing as they played with his doggy brother Manny. It was hysterical listening to that kid laugh so hard (he’s 7mths). They need to record that sound and sell it to the movies—they could make millions. Sorry I don’t have the video of it, but I DO have a picture of the cute littler bugger:
parker He’s got guns like his momma :)
Here’s my peanut, I just cant help snapping pictures of him every 5 seconds
handsome 1 handsome 2 handsome 3
Above, he was talking to Parker and Parker just stared at him as he drank his bottle. It was cute and I was entertained.
Well I must say I’m pretty proud of myself for putting together this book shelf yesterday all by myself since it weighed about a billion pounds-(no joke, I verified it on the box). I’ve seen a lot of people with these storage shelves and I totally wanted one for Eli’s room so I finally got around to getting it. I just love this space now. Eli’s room is “finished” but is in no way anything special. It does look like a baby lives here though :)
bookshelfOh Mickey, you have a special place in my heart :)
Well this post is turning out to be a hodge podge of things since it’s been days since I posted. I guess that serves me right. Sorry about that. Anyways, Eli and I took a drive out to see daddy at work today and got to meet daddy’s coworkers and do lunch at Burger King. I just barely saved my infant son from having his mouth scorched by carbonation as daddy started to offer him some of his Dr. Pepper. I can’t leave those 2 alone for a second! Here’s a pic of daddy showing Eli the ropes at work:
        daddy and eli at work                     with daddy at work
My studs :)
Now you’re updated, toodles!

1 comment:

  1. Love that little book shelf you got! I know why Mickey holds a special place in your heart! Tooooo cute!!


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