Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eli don’t hate me…

Ok I’ve decided to share the video with you all. I figured I can do it now while it’s still cute. Its not like he’s 14 yrs old on the pot or anything-- THAT would be wrong! So here it is. Sorry I’m an idiot and turned the camera sideways again, forgetting that I can’t rotate a video, doh! Just turn your lap top sideways, I do :)
I love how he looks exhausted after the first “push” ( the 24 second mark ha ha)
Turn up your volume
Don’t forget Punkin, mommy loves you :)


  1. Its stacey again.... lol this is just great! Awesome that you caught it on video! Go Eli!

  2. too cute!! Haha he was so happy afterward too.

  3. ha ha, I know right?! I couldn't believe I got it on camera. Does this make me a bad mom for posting it for the world to see? ha ha

  4. Ha ha ha, I love how mommy totally called "the poop face" and how Eli delivered. And yes people, she did leave him for me to change. I still love him though.


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