Friday, October 28, 2011

Eli’s new ride…

So a little while back my friend Belinda gave me her sister’s kid’s walker (say THAT 3 times fast! Thanks Belinda, and send my thanks to your sister too!) for Eli. He’s just now getting old enough to show interest in it and see all that it can do. He sure is cute in it. I can’t help but sing that song “ridin’ dirty” when I see him in it! Ha ha. Aaron disagrees and says it’s more like Weird Al’s version of “white and nerdy.” He’s so mean I know, and I apologize in advance for getting this song stuck in your head. well, not really, you should be fine, they don’t play it on the 60’s channel ;)
new ride 003Hi Punkin :)
Here he is in action:
Ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. Too Cute! Love the video!! Before long his feet will reach the ground and he will be doing that all on his own! :o)


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