Thursday, November 10, 2011

My hubby was working so I had 3 guys over…

…and I kissed on each one :) Uh HOOO! Yep. They were all incredibly handsome and I couldn’t help myself. No worries though, these guys were of the little variety and all were under 2 feet tall and still living with their parents.
These little guys belonged to My friends Jac and Laura. They came over for a play/craft date. All 3 boys were subjected to my purple craft room and I’m sure craving man time with the daddies by the time they left! Ha ha. They were good sports. I showed the mommies how to make the baby robes my friend Leslie showed me how to make a few weeks ago for Eli. Jac was the designated babysitter since her kid is the most mobile and needed constant supervision in my very UN-baby friendly craft room so just Laura ended up making a robe for her son. Stupid me didn’t think it through before telling her to cut out the pattern (I know, shame on me) so we didn’t have enough towel for another full sleeve! Doh! Well undeterred, we just decided to go the short sleeve route which I will definitely do next time because it’s super cute. And guess what? Her little guys arms JUST popped out through the hole! Needless to say, the sleeve is super long that doing the short sleeve version was better for an infant’s stubby little arms anyways. See? Everything happens for a reason :)
Here the model/muse is wearing his robe with momma:
baby robeHow cute is he??? Can you blame me for munchin’ on this kid?? Look at those munchie cheeks!
Well overall it was a fun/successful day. For being a beginner sewer  (yes, beginner!) She did an amaaaazing job! I’m so glad we were able to finish it! Thanks ladies for visiting :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh! Caleb and I had so much fun with you ladies. That was my most productive craft/play date ever. I still can't believe I had a hand in making that robe. And I was right, Paul didn't believe I made it. He said that would have taken me months if I had tried that out on my own (true story). Instead, I left with a towel and came home with a baby robe from one afternoon in the purple craft room:)


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