Saturday, January 28, 2012

This is how boys play…

One of Aaron’s flying buddies and his wife came over today to meet Eli for the first time. This buddy helped Eli play with his fabric cube and showed him its full belly-laugh potential by tossing it in his face. Eli found it hysterical! Me personally, I don’t care too much for things being thrown in my face so he must get this from his Daddy, or just being a boy. I wouldn’t know, I grew up with a mom and sister and I assure you, we never threw things in each others face (If we did, it was by accident and then we darted into the bathroom and locked the door so the other one wasn’t able to retaliate. We used to drive each other Batty doing that! Remember Steph? Good times, ha ha). Anywho, take a look:
A baby laughing NEVER gets old, amirite? **Sigh, boys will be boys Smile


  1. O.M.I.G.O.D! I love, love, love his giggle. This video is awesome. Laughing while something gets thrown in your face is TOTALLY a boy thing.

  2. Aaaaand I'll be watching it again.

  3. I can't help but think that he's thinkin' "hey, this thing isn't nearly as cool/funny when I play with it by myself!" Ha ha. Love that kid.


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