Thursday, April 26, 2012

BOTH my boys are graduates!!!

Ahhhh! I’m so excited! We have LOTS to celebrate around here. My hunny just completed grad school for his MBA and my little hunny just graduated from his Doc band! Woo hoo!


Proud momma moment. *tear*

Today we went in for Eli’s final adjustment on his helmet (he can technically be done with it by the time we leave for vacation next week) and to have our “after” head shots. They do photos and also digital images like they did in the beginning to develop his head mold, aka “head on a stick” –I’m totally serious! I have his head mold on a stick. Here, I’ll show ya:


“head on a stick”

They bust this puppy out each appointment for comparison to his head at the moment and make sure the helmet is doing its job. You are not going to believe the before and after shot! Yikes. I knew his head was “cone-y”, I mean it has been since birth, but I guess I didn’t want to believe it was that bad. I was more concerned about the flat spot on the side of his head. Are you ready? Drum roll please…..


Left is before (obviously), Right is today. Yowza! What a difference!

These are the “digital molds” that they use to create the helmet and “head on a stick”. His face looks odd because he has his bank robber stocking pulled over his head, down to his neck. I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the floor when I saw this shot. Deep down I had feared that there would be no real change and I didn’t have it in me to have him wear the helmet longer, or God forbid, have to have another one made to wear for another 4 months! I love the “after'” photos they did because he looks tan when compared to his January pictures! Ha ha ha. I’m sure it’s lighting/flash but he looks like a little stud Winking smile. They were sent to me via email attachment and me being computer illiterate (Aaron’s at work) I can’t figure out how to save it and show you guys :/ Dang it. I guess you’ll have to take my word for it.

They have a photo contest for the calendar they put out each year and they encourage patients to submit the cutest photo they have of their kiddo in the helmet. Now I have to go through 1,293,929,444 photo’s I’ve taken of him and select ONE! I may need some help mom.

Well that’s all for now. I’m so giddy! Open-mouthed smile



  1. O.H. M.Y G.O.S.H. ! ! ! ! :O

    I cannot get over the difference!! Yowza!

    At first I thought you were being too critical of Eli-cakes, but now I "get it".

    Good call momma! :D

    Love ya dearly,
    Auntie Glenna Sue McGoo

  2. I can't believe it. I didn't think anything of his head shape but you can't dispute the before and after picture. Nice shaped head Eli. I'm sure mommy will tell you often how beautiful it is.

  3. I love seeing his name printed out, in full, on important documents. I can't believe he is really here and is all yours. I love that kid, now he is even more perfect. *sigh*


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