Monday, December 19, 2011

A sign and a present…

So on Saturday Eli bonded with grandma and I went over to my friend Leslie’s house for a craft day. I’ve been meaning to make a door sign for our front door warning people not to ring the freakin’ bell since I have a baby most likely sleeping. I had no idea what kind of door sign I was going to make but Leslie suggested wood and painting it and we used her handy dandy silhouette cutting tool to make the lettering. I love it. It’s exactly what I was looking for. Here she is, hanging and ready to warn:
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I like to think that this now gives me the right to give a nice tongue lashing to anyone who disregards this sign and rings the bell anyways but who am I kidding? I don’t have the balls to do that :/ I’m not Uncle Pibe.
As I was about to head home, Leslie tells me she made ME something. For real??! She is a big scrap booker and made me an Eli book! I was so touched by how much time and effort she clearly put into this thing. It chronicle's my week by week belly pics all the way through the delivery. Here are some pics to highlight the detail and thought that went into it:
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Hi punkin…muuuah.
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I wanted to do something with these pics but had no idea what I should do. This is waaay better then anything I would have decided on!
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How touching is this???
Seriously Leslie, I LOVE it! I can’t thank you enough!!

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