Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We’ve got a mover and a shaker on the loose!

Daddy now has a little competition around here in the moves department. Eli loves to bounce while standing in your lap and my tall guy can now touch the floor while in his walker! *Tear. And I almost forgot to tell you. Daddy calls me the minute I get to work on Sunday to gloat inform me Eli rolled over for the first time from back to front! FINALLY. Now, I wanna know, why does he do all the fun stuff for the first time (like giggle, reach out to be picked up etc) for other people??! I’m with him just about 24/7! Sheesh. Daddy said he didn’t help him at all, in fact, he suspects it was his good ol’ derrière, aka, “musical instrument” that gave him the extra propulsion needed for the final turn Winking smile ha ha. Love that kid.
Here’s a recent video of Eli in his walker while at grandma’s. Sorry about the poor quality, it was on my phone:


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