Monday, March 5, 2012

Play date with the twins…

Periodically, Eli, Grandma and I will stop by to visit the twin boys that live in the same town as my mom. I met them and their mother shortly after they were born and I was just about due to have Eli. They are a little over 2 months older than Eli so It’s fun to get them together and swap stories. Now they are of an age where they semi-interact with each other. When I say “semi-interact”, I mean swap toys. Smile Here’s a pic of the 3 of them conspiring:
How cute are they?!?
That’s Marshal next to Eli, and Jensen is on the end. I deserve a medal for getting a “decent” pic of these 3 movers and shakers! NOT an easy task, ha ha.
They are all about the same size but the twins are crawling and able to pull themselves up to a standing position. Here Eli is introducing the boys to his buddy Gerry.
Eli and I can’t wait for spring/summer to get here so that we can test out our new wagon from grandma and take it to the park .Smile
Thanks for the play date Marshal and Jensen!
-Linds and Eli.

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